TruNorth is a proprietary science-based product of ILD Coach.

TruNorth is comprised of an eighteen-question assessment used to determine how your brain processes thousands of bits of information simultaneously coming at you at any given time. The way you score on the assessment unlocks where you stand within TruNorth’s four degrees of perception.

Your TruNorth score within the four degrees of perception helps to predict your common behavioral patterns which is what drives your day-to-day responses to things like the way you speak, the way you order your meals and eat your food, the way you drive, the way you dress, the way you pack for a vacation, and so on. It touches on virtually every aspect of life.

Understanding your TruNorth scores will help you better understand WHY you operate the way you do, and identify WHY others operate the way they do.

Understanding yourself and others is where the process begins and immediate transformation happens.

ENROLL in one of our courses today to learn more!

Which Navigator Do You Identify With Most?

There are four navigators under the TruNorth Model. Each one is different and each one is accessible by every person, however, most people primarily prefer to operate out of only one or two.

Meet the PRODUCER Navigator. Producers are best known for their quick movements, to-do lists, being direct, and finding solutions quickly. 

Meet the IMAGINIST Navigator. Imaginists are best known for their ability to see out into the future, create new ideas, have fun, and cast vision. 

Meet the ANALYST Navigator. Analysts are best known for gathering and analyzing information, building plans, and creating order and structure in most situations. 

Meet the TEAMIST Navigator. Teamists are best known for their ability to bring people together, see the best in others, and weigh out the best options based on how they will impact themselves and others.